Cacti Windows Ping Latency

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Use Cacti to monitor your network latency. In the cacti Tools Ubuntu Uncategorized VMWare Windows Windows 7 Windows Active Directory Windows Live. Feb 03, 2013 Howto Install Cacti on Ubuntu. Cacti is available for Windows and Linux. Ping Latency” to “Associated Graph Templates.

Recently I was discussing network monitoring with someone and realised ICMP would be very useful to know about. ICMP is the Internet Control Message Protocol - it is the protocol that carries messages about connectivity. As an example, if there is a routing problem then you may well get ICMP type 3 (unreachable) code 0 (network unreachable), so a large increase in this would suggest a routing problem. Likewise, if you got loads of type 3 code 4 (fragmentation needed, but can't fragment) then you would know that there was some packet size related problem. Any distinct changes in ICMP patterns may indicate some change in connectivity.

What is better, you don't have to actually ping all destinations which would be impractical anyway - the ICMP is generated on demand as connections are created or fail. It isn't necessarily going to show up everything (eg. Packets are just being lost or if inbound connectivity is failing), but provides a useful 'passive' way of monitoring a network. I searched around for such a tool.

And found none that where practical for continuous monitoring of networks. The ICMP monitoring tools I could find where predominantly ping tools, but that's not the aim here - I want to passively listen and measure the volumes of different types of ICMP to detect changes in connectivity, and that's most useful if they are graphed to make changing patterns easy to spot. With that in mind I cobbled together one of my own in Perl using the pcap modules to listen for both ICMP (IPv4) and ICMPv6 (IPv6), plus some extension scripts to ship the data via snmpd. Shipping the data via SNMP allows for easy remote monitoring of devices, and makes it rather easy to hook it up to Cacti. Monitoring Daemon The ICMP monitoring would normally need to run as root to capture packets, and be running continuously so it made sense to write a simple daemon. This runs in the background and periodically writes a stats file in a location of your choosing. This can be read by simple shell scripts to get the data into a form that is useful.

The daemon takes 4 arguments:. The device (eg. Eth0). Should it use promiscuous capture (ie. Listen for all packets rather than just ones destined for it) - this can be useful if one node is monitoring a whole network via a mirror / SPAN port on a switch. The time between writing the stats file - if this is exceeded then the stats file is written.


Windows Ping From Specific Interface

The path of the stats file to write to So for a SNMP set up like I run you would launch the daemon with something like: #./icmpmond eth0 false 60 /var/local/snmp/icmp Download: snmpd Extensions These are really simple shell scripts that loop through all the possibilities. The usual story - add the config to your /etc/snmpd.conf as per the discussed before: extend icmp6 /etc/snmp/icmp6-stats-total extend icmp6err1 /etc/snmp/icmp6-stats-err1 extend icmp6err3 /etc/snmp/icmp6-stats-err3 extend icmp6err4 /etc/snmp/icmp6-stats-err4 extend icmp /etc/snmp/icmp-stats-total extend icmperr3 /etc/snmp/icmp-stats-err3 extend icmperr5 /etc/snmp/icmp-stats-err5 extend icmperr11 /etc/snmp/icmp-stats-err11 extend icmperr12 /etc/snmp/icmp-stats-err12 After restarting snmpd it should be able to pick up the counts in the data file.

If you are using a custom file/location then you will need to tweak the scripts appropriately. Download: (tarball) Cacti And finally a set of Cacti templates to go with these. If you are doing ping monitoring then the 'ICMP Types' graphs can get swamped by that so I have also provided a 'no Ping' version and a ping graph which can be much clearer under these circumstances.


Download: The graphs look like this. Comments: 22:37:: luis i follow this article, but i cant do to function, when i run de command with snmpwalk, i see this error, snmpwalk -v 1 -c public NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine.' Icmp'.4 NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine.icmp.4: Unknown Object Identifier (Index out of range: icmp (nsExtendToken)) somebody, can help me, tks 18:37:: Glen Pitt-Pladdy There are multiple possible things which could cause this, but first of all the shell will evaluate the quoting and unless you either escape it or put further quoting around the OID I don't think it will work.


Windows Ping Command

Either: snmpwalk -v 1 -c public NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine. 'icmp '.4 OR snmpwalk -v 1 -c public 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine.' Icmp'.4' See if that solves the problem first Email (not published) URL (optional) Name Comment (text only, max 1000 characters) Are you human? (reduces spam). Disclaimer: This is a load of random thoughts, ideas and other nonsense and is not intended to be taken seriously. I have no idea what I am doing with most of this so if you are stupid and naive enough to believe any of it, it is your own fault and you can live with the consequences.

Windows Ping Utility

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