Game Diablo 3 Offline Full Movie

Posted on admin

Now I`m the kind of player that loves, absolutely LOVES to play solo. There`s something magical about playing a game you love (on mute) while at the same time listening to a awsome audiobook or just some chillout music. Thats what I do when I play diablo 3 and by God it`s uber fun. Since the last patch though lag has started terrorizing my dear gaming experience, I get constant DCs and die a lot because of random lag spikes even when playing solo and even though I got a verry good internet conexion. Considering the fact that Blizzard`s first stand on offline-mode for Diablo 3 was this: TLDR: No Offline Mode for Diablo III on PC Because That Isn’t the Game Blizzard Made and yet they released offline mode for consoles: it makes me now they made it available in offline STRICTLY for consoles? I talked to a friend of mine that worked in the gaming industry and his reply was simply: they dont introduce Diablo3 offline mode simply because they dont want the game to be pirated, and they allowed it to be played offline on the consoles because the new consoles cant be cracked/moded to play pirated games. But see here this is where I as a customer see the huge logic conundrum - why must I as a paying customer get to deal with this problem and have it ruin my gaming experience?

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Frankly its not my responsability to crack-proof your game, and I honestly feel like my gaming experience is not prioritised simply because of fear of piracy. If you dont want diablo 3 to be pirated and dont allow a compleate offline mode for single player how about allowing a semi-offline more?

Meaning - you log in the game, play and from time to time, let`s say once every 30 mins the game just sends a ping to the diablo servers confirming that you`re playing a autentic copy of diablo 3. Why must I stay permanently conected to the server when I play solo?

There is no logical reason to keep you conected to the Server. AH is no more, multi-player game isnt fun for me since most of my friends don`t play Diablo and I dont get along with most random players because they either are bad at this game, arent fun to play with because they play like farm-zombies or arent even able to comunicate (speak english at least a bit). I just want to play this awsome game by myself and not die like a idiot simply because of a unexpected disconect or a lag spike. If this game would have a offline mode I`d definetly play some more Hardcore too but considering the fact that last season I lost a epic full-geared WW barb simply because I got a disconect.its just anti-fun. Not to mention Solo play seems punishing considering the added benefits for multiplayer (more XP and the chance to trade items with the team, not to mention getting carried) considering solo doesnt have any all!?! At least with a single player offline mode I`d know 'Hey no more disconects and lag!'

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Can I please get a reply from a admin regarding this issue? Considering the lack of honest feedback from Blizz regarding this matter I feel like Blizz is just ignoring the people comenting on this issue. It`s like they just adress the easy problems but the more complex ones get ignored like they arent there.

Same thing happened with the stash space issue - people comented for years about it yet blizz just now after allmost 3 years started addresing this problem. Please Blizzard, talk to us! We are your fans and your customers, don`t BS us and just talk to us! Ps please coment at this thread dont simply upvote or downvote it. TLDR; please support offline mode for PC. Stop punishing solo play! Actually I want to be able to play withouth having my gameplay disrupted by lag or disconects.making the solo-play offline would fix that.


As I said if they`d manage doing even a semi-offline mode that removes lags and disconects I would be happy with that as well. Honestly I`ve gotten more disconects and lag playing Diablo 3 than playing League of Legends, World of Warcraft and Skyforge COMBINED. That is saying something. Ps trainers kill the fun of a game.

I like getting my caracter stronger and stronger by getting stronger items and testing builds myself. I`m the old school kind of gamer, the one that tryes stuff by himself and prefers to do that before reading some tutorials or walkthroughs online:) Pss we`re customers, we`re free to ask considering the fact that Blizz constantly says 'We`re listening to you guys!' Well now it`s time they show it!


What you are asking for, should have been implemented in the first place and some time (years)ago it was mentioned and demanded more often on the forums. I stopped playing D3 and might take a look at it again when is has an offline mode. People gave up asking for it, because you will get no other answer than 'but you knew it before you bought it'. Maybe they should have announced lags and instabilities as well, oh, and random groups.

And the content of your first link can be described in two words and they have nothing to do with 'for gamers' or 'telling the truth'. BTW it´s not the offline mode that makes people want to play solo. 1) I really liked offline+LAN with friends 2) played D2 2 days ago: something like '18690 players in 18100 games'. Oh, why don´t we have those numbers here? Edit: lol, already the first 'but you knew it'. The disconnects have dissapeared for me it seems. Just FPS drops still haunt my game.

1 thing is sure, i'll never try hardcore in this game (seeing how many times i die due to lag is horrible!) and playing with other people isn't as bad as you make it out to be. So most of your post just feels like you're exaggerating most of what you're saying give coop a chance, you'll make friends if you realy want too. Or you can keep playing solo. I often play solo just to farm for things (bloodshards, mats, deaths breath, etc.) both coop and SP are the same thing (appart in SP you have 1 follower and in coop you have up to 3 with benefits). 01:41 PMPosted by This would probably work: 1. Initially login into Blizzard and get authenticated with their servers once a day 2. Enable offline mode and enjoy solo play without lag or disconnects.

Even if the game did a silent check-in once every hour to update the character profile, that would also work. IF we were to magically end up with an offline mode one day: It would possibly be a separate mode. Kinda like how D2 had. Because it would be a separate mode, that means the online characters would not transfer or mix with offline characters, and vs versa. So unless Blizzard allows you to copy your online to offline (one direction only) you would have to start a completely new game from scratch. So I highly doubt that will happen, even less so than having an optional offline mode added. You're still looking at a chance probability lower than having a jet liner crash in your back yard.

Not to mention all the hacks and tweaks that would be implemented for it, thus only further enhancing the point of why PC version has the online only model in the first place. Look at the console version now. It has been hacked and modded to death already. Few mods and you have easy mode like you wouldn't believe. Changes the entire dynamic of the game though, which is another reason why PC stays online only. So, good luck asking, but I don't see it happening.

02:15 PMPosted by In general i agree but unfortunately offline mode is impossible for a good reason. If you play offline, your items and progress must be saved on your PC. You can easily manipulate your savegames or use cheat engine so this whole online stuff is necessary to prevent cheating. You can't cheat against no one. You can't be recognized for your achievements.

You can't give your gear or sell to anyone. What is there to cheat? The only drawback to offline that I think would actually matter is further dividing the dwindling player base. This would probably work: 1. Initially login into Blizzard and get authenticated with their servers once a day 2. Enable offline mode and enjoy solo play without lag or disconnects.

Even if the game did a silent check-in once every hour to update the character profile, that would also work. This is exactly what I am asking for. Also as I said before I simply want a offline more or a 'semi-offline' mode so I can actually enjoy playing this game withouth lag or disconects as constant companions through the wonderfull world of Sanctuary. I`m not into playing with trainers, hacks or other silly cheats as they would only cheapen my gaming experience. For all I care keep the save games on the servers, what do I care? I just want to have the most stable gaming experience possible.

And staying 100% of the time conected to the server when playing solo IS STUPID and also counterproductive since the servers would deal with less of a strain if they would introduce this option. Thing about it: instead of EU server keeping tabs on lets say 100 000 players at the same time (mix of solo and mutiplayer games) the server would only have to accomodate multiplayer games (ex 80 000 players out of those 100 000 that I previously gave as a example) and ocasionally solo games - thus the server`s stability would increase and everyone`s gaming experience would increase as well ( people playing multiplayer games would have a more stable server and people playing solo would rarely deal with the server). The suggestion that I brought at the table is pragmatical because it doesnt ask for 'better servers' or better 'hardware' it just asks for the curent servers and hardware to be used more efficiently. I`m not throwing stones here, I`m simply bringing feedback and solutions.

11:38Posted by The other problem with offline mode is that players would find a way to modify the items the character has found and give them attributes that they have not gained. This has happened on some of the console versions. It's been done to the extent that if such a player joins a group then all the members in the group get a huge (unwanted) increase in paragon levels.

Playing from your own pc would solve a lot of the technical problems this game has. They are running on 2nd or even 3rd grade servers compared to wow and like I said it is their problem not ours but punishing us. Don't get me wrong though, I am against cheating and abuse in anyway but it does not affect me by playing solo and how gaming is meant to be, for fun. 14:53Posted by Can you explain how? Items have been modified on consoles, but none of them made their way to PC online. If the console D3 was ported to PC by changing it to use mouse driven controls and UI, how would that situation change?

The point here is how items are generated, not how existing items get modified. Having offline mode gives cheaters knowledge how the item generation works and they'll find a way to force the server to generate items with predefined or at least favorable attributes.

Cheating software already exist for PC version, offline mode would cause cheating get completely out of hands. 14:53Posted by Can you explain how?

Diablo 3 Offline Mode

Items have been modified on consoles, but none of them made their way to PC online. If the console D3 was ported to PC by changing it to use mouse driven controls and UI, how would that situation change? The point here is how items are generated, not how existing items get modified. Having offline mode gives cheaters knowledge how the item generation works and they'll find a way to force the server to generate items with predefined or at least favorable attributes. Cheating software already exist for PC version, offline mode would cause cheating get completely out of hands.

Tai Game Diablo 3 Offline

I'd like to see anyone mount a successful attack on Diablo's RNG. Anyway, my point remains. The item generation algorithm of the console version is already fully exposed.

What further threat would using that in the suggested PC offline version pose? 21:08Posted by Their problem not ours but punishing us with not giving offline mode. You bought a game that is online only.

If you dont like it, you can return it. Its not difficult. I never said I do not like it but for I'd rather have an offline mode. Not having offline is the same as buying a dead old fiesta, then whining its not a porsche.

But Diablo III is not 'a dead old fiesta' anymore. They turned that into a technical broken 'porche' without a race track to race on. You get what you pay for, and if you decide its not what you want, then return it or accept that it is what it is. I paid for Diablo III and that is what I got, even though its different from Diablo I & II, I accepted it anyway. What I can't accept is a game despite meeting the system requierments that it runs bad and is pointing towards their servers being bad and forces me to ask for an offline mode to solve the issues. That is not asking to much, on the contrary it is asking for a good working product we all expected to buy from the store.

I have the right to have a good working product according to (any) terms of sale because contracts work 2 ways and Blizzard is not fulfilling theirs while they did grab my money for Diablo III. 23:01Posted by What I can't accept is a game despite meeting the system requierments that it runs bad and is pointing towards their servers being bad and forces me to ask for an offline mode to solve the issues. That is not asking to much, on the contrary it is asking for a good working product we all expected to buy from the store. I have the right to have a good working product according to (any) terms of sale because contracts work 2 ways and Blizzard is not fulfilling theirs while they did grab my money for Diablo III. The packaging for Diablo III specifically states that an internet connection is required to work. I don't have a scanner, so I can't show it to you, but it says the following: Internet connection required.

Player is responsible for all applicable internet fees. Battle.Net registration required. Further restrictions apply (see back). How can you possibly say that Blizzard is not fulfilling their end of the contract or terms of sale, when they are doing exactly what the contract says they should? When you purchased the game, you knew it required an internet connection, so why are you whining about it now?

If you have a connection problem, then may I suggest that you test your hardware for problems, or even contact your ISP and ask them for assistance? Blizzard has fulfilled their end of the bargain.

Game Diablo 3 Offline Full Movie

Perhaps you should to?