Send Email Activity In Sequential Workflow Definition

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How to: Create a Workflow Service with Messaging Activities. 4 minutes to read.

  1. Sharepoint Sequential Workflow
  2. How To Check Email Activity In Yahoo

This sample demonstrates how to create a custom activity that derives from AsyncCodeActivity to send mail using SMTP for use within a workflow application. The custom activity uses the capabilities of SmtpClient to send e-mail asynchronously and to send mail with authentication. Definition of workflow: Progression of steps. And create or add value to the organization's activities. In a sequential workflow. Email Print Embed. Toshiba laptop windows 7 upgrade.

Contributors. In this article This topic describes how to create a simple workflow service using messaging activities.

This topic focuses on the mechanics of creating a workflow service where the service consists solely of messaging activities. In a real-world service, the workflow contains many other activities.

The service implements one operation called Echo, which takes a string and returns the string to the caller. This topic is the first in a series of two topics.

The next topic discusses how to create a workflow application that can call the service created in this topic. To create a workflow service project. Start Visual Studio 2012. Click the File menu, select New, and then Project to display the New Project Dialog.

Select Workflow from the list of installed templates and WCF Workflow Service Application from the list of project types. Name the project MyWFService and use the default location as shown in the following illustration. Click the OK button to dismiss the New Project Dialog. When the project is created, the Service1.xamlx file is opened in the designer as shown in the following illustration. Right-click the activity labeled Sequential Service and select Delete.

Sharepoint Sequential Workflow

To implement the workflow service. Select the Toolbox tab on the left side of the screen to display the toolbox and click the pushpin to keep the window open. Expand the Messaging section of the toolbox to display the messaging activities and the messaging activity templates as shown in the following illustration.

Drag and drop a ReceiveAndSendReply template to the workflow designer. This creates a System.ServiceModel.Activities.Sequence activity with a Receive activity followed by a activity as shown in the following illustration.

Notice that the activity’s property is set to Receive, the name of the activity to which the activity is replying. In the activity type Echo into the textbox labeled OperationName.

This defines the name of the operation the service implements. With the activity selected, open the properties window if not already open by clicking the View menu and selecting Properties Window.

In the Properties Window scroll down until you see CanCreateInstance and click the checkbox as shown in the following illustration. This setting enables the workflow service host to create a new instance of the service (if needed) when a message is received.

Select the System.ServiceModel.Activities.Sequence activity and click the Variables button in the lower left corner of the designer. This displays the variables editor. Click the Create Variable link to add a variable to store the string sent to the operation. Name the variable msg and set its Variable type to String as shown in the following illustration. Click the Variables button again to close the variables editor. Click the Define.

Link in the Content text box in the activity to display the Content Definition dialog. Select the Parameters radio button, click the Add new Parameter link, type inMsg in the name text box, select String in the Type drop down list box, and type msg in the Assign To text box as shown in the following illustration. This specifies that the Receive activity receives string parameter and that data is bound to the msg variable. Click OK to close the Content Definition dialog. Click the Define.

Link in the Content box in the activity to display the Content Definition dialog. Select the Parameters radio button, click the Add new Parameter link, type outMsg in the name textbox, select String in the Type dropdown list box, and msg in the Value text box as shown in the following illustration. This specifies that the activity sends a message or message contract type and that data is bound to the msg variable.

Because this is a activity, this means the data in msg is used to populate the message the activity sends back to the client. Click OK to close the Content Definition dialog.

Save and build the solution by clicking the Build menu and selecting Build Solution. Configure the Workflow Service Project The workflow service is complete.

This section explains how to configure the workflow service solution to make it easy to host and run. This solution uses the ASP.NET Development Server to host the service. To set project start up options. In the Solution Explorer, right-click MyWFService and select Properties to display the Project Properties dialog.

Select the Web tab and select Specific Page under Start Action and type Service1.xamlx in the text box as shown in the following illustration. This hosts the service defined in Service1.xamlx in the ASP.NET Development Server. Press Ctrl + F5 to launch the service. The ASP.NET Development Server icon is displayed in the lower right side of the desktop as shown in the following image. In addition, Internet Explorer displays the WCF Service Help Page for the service. Continue on to the topic to create a workflow client that calls this service.

Workflow Services Overview. 4 minutes to read. Contributors. In this article Workflow services are WCF-based services that are implemented using workflows. Workflow services are workflows that use the messaging activities to send and receive Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) messages.NET Framework 4.5 introduces a number of messaging activities that allow you send and receive messages from within a workflow.

For more information about messaging activities and how they can be used to implement different message exchange patterns, see. Benefits of Using Workflow Services As applications become increasingly distributed, individual services become responsible for calling other services to offload some of the work. Implementing these calls as asynchronous operations introduces some complexity into the code. Error handling adds additional complexity in the form of handling exceptions and providing detailed tracking information. Some services are often long running and can take up valuable system resources while waiting for input.

Because of these issues, distributed applications are often very complex and difficult to write and maintain. Workflows are a natural way to express the coordination of asynchronous work, especially calls to external services.

Workflows are also effective at representing long-running business processes. It is these qualities that make the workflow a great asset to building services in a distributed environment. Implementing a Workflow Service When implementing a WCF service, you define a number of contracts that describe the service and the data that it sends and receives. The data is represented as data contracts and message contracts.


Both WCF and workflow services use data contract and message contract definitions as part of service descriptions. The service itself exposes metadata (in the form of WSDL) to describe the operations of the service. In WCF, service contracts and operation contracts define the service and the operations it supports. However in a workflow service, these contracts are part of the business process itself.

They are exposed in metadata by a process called contract inference. When a workflow service is hosted using, the workflow definition is examined and a contract is generated based on the set of messaging activities found in the workflow. In particular, the following activities and properties are used to generate the contract: Activity.

`System.ServiceModel.Activities.Receive.OperationContractName`. `System.ServiceModel.Activities.Receive.ValueType` Activity. xref:System.ServiceModel.Activities.SendReply.ValueType Activity The end result of contract inference is a description of the service using the same data structures as WCF services and operation contracts. This information is then used to expose WSDL for the workflow service.

Note.NET Framework 4.6.1 does not allow you to write workflow services using an existing contract definition without some additional tooling support. Workflow service contracts are created by the contract inference process discussed previously. Message contracts and data contracts are fully supported, however. Workflow Services and MSMQ-Based Bindings WCF defines two MSMQ-based bindings and. MSMQ-based bindings are often used with workflow services because of the long-running nature of such services. The MSMQ-based bindings have a ValidityDuration property that specifies how long MSMQ messages can assume to be valid.

Because of the long running nature of workflow services it is possible that the validity duration of a MSMQ message may elapse before the workflow service can process it. It is therefore very important to set the validity duration of a MSMQ binding to an appropriate value.

This value must be chosen based on the workflow and how it processes messages. For example if you have a workflow with a activity followed by a custom activity that takes 10 minutes to run, followed by another activity, the correct value for ValidityDuration would be greater than 10 minutes.

How To Check Email Activity In Yahoo

Hosting a Workflow Service Like WCF services, workflow services must be hosted. WCF services use the class to host services and workflow services use to host services. Like WCF services, workflow services can be hosted in a variety of ways, for example:. In a managed.NET Framework application.

In Internet Information Services (IIS). In Windows Process Activation Service (WAS). In a managed Windows Service. Workflow services hosted in a managed.NET Framework application or a managed Windows service create an instance of the class and pass it an instance of the that contains the workflow definition within the property.

A workflow definition that contains messaging activities is exposed as a workflow service. To host a workflow service in IIS or WAS, place the.xamlx file that contains the workflow service definition into a virtual directory. A default endpoint (using ) is created automatically For more information, see. You can also place a Web.config file in the virtual directory to specify your own endpoints. If your workflow definition is in an assembly you can place a.svc file in the virtual directory and the workflow assembly in the AppCode directory. The.svc file must specify the service host factory and the class that implements the workflow service. The following example shows how to specify the service host factory and specify the class that implements the workflow service.

<%@ServiceHost Factory=' System.ServiceModel.Activities.Activation.WorkflowServiceHostFactory Service='EchoService'%.