Why Did My Video Upside Down

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  1. Windows Movie Maker
  2. Windows Media Player Upside Down Video

If you attempt to play a digital video file on your computer and the video plays upside down, this is likely due to the graphics card or the video drivers that are. Were you holding the camera upside down by mistake when recording? Video is now upside down?

Windows Movie Maker

If you’re a Windows user, you’ve probably noticed that some of your iPhone photos and videos are upside down when you save them to your computer. Even if you never leave the Apple ecosystem, your photos will usually be upside down when you email them to friends who have the Windows operating system. In this article you’ll discover why your iPhone photos can appear upside down and how to fix this problem. Most people first noticed this issue when iOS 5 was released.

Why Did My Video Upside Down

This was the first time that you could take a photo using the volume up button. This is an awesome feature and I use it all the time. The only problem is that when you hold your camera with the volume buttons pointing up, your photos will be upside down on most Windows machines. 7 Hidden iPhone Camera Features As it turns out, the most important iPhone camera features are completely hidden from regular iPhone users. That's why we created this free video revealing that every photographer should use. How Could Apple Make Such A Silly Mistake? Let’s step back for a second.

Windows media player upside down video

If you rotate your iPhone, the camera sensor won’t know about it. It will simply record the image and save it to a file, letting the software on your phone do the rest. To make sure that your photos are displayed correctly, your iPhone adds information about the correct rotation of the photo to the properties of each image, which are specified in EXIF tags. Your iPhone doesn’t convert any images to the correct orientation because that would keep it busy for a few seconds. Instead it simply saves all photos as they were recorded and adds information about their correct orientation to EXIF tags. This means that your iPhone is ready to shoot another photo within a fraction of a second, which is just awesome. The only problem is that some software developers, including Microsoft, ignore the information that’s stored in EXIF tags.

There’s a huge debate about who’s right and who’s wrong in this situation, but I bet you don’t really care about that. What you really want to know is how to solve the problem of your photos appearing upside down. How To Solve This Problem You can prevent any rotation issues in the future by taking your iPhone photos and videos with the volume buttons pointing down.

However, it’s not as convenient as holding your iPhone with the volume buttons pointing up, especially if you use those buttons to take photos. That’s why I almost always prefer to keep the volume buttons up and deal with possible problems later. You can also use a dedicated camera app such as for all your photo needs. Unlike the iPhone’s native camera app, Camera+ actually recodes all your photos into the correct orientation. Unfortunately this takes a bit more time (and more battery), so you have to wait a little while for your photos to be saved to camera roll. Unfortunately Camera+ can’t help you with shooting videos. If you already have a lot of photos that are shot upside down, it’s best to use software that knows how to deal with EXIF correctly.

All Apple software falls into this category, so if you’re a Mac user, you probably haven’t even noticed this issue. On Windows I recommend Picasa for managing photos and iTunes for dealing with videos. You can also use QuickTime for video playback. If you want to fix the orientation of your entire library at once, it’s best to do it in Picasa. Simply select all the photos you want to rotate (Ctrl+A to select all) and choose to save changes (Ctrl+S). Depending on the size of your library this may take a few minutes, but once you’re done, all your photos will be in the correct orientation forever. Unfortunately it’s harder to do the same with videos.

If you don’t have any professional video editing software, it’s probably best to purchase QuickTime Pro from Apple. This software isn’t free, but it provides a quick one-click solution for rotating your iPhone videos. If you have to upload photos and videos to the internet, it’s best to do this from your iPhone directly. When you upload your media to Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and other similar sites, your iPhone will take care of all the necessary conversions for you. The 7 Best iPhone Photography Apps There are thousands of excellent photo apps on the App Store, and the things you can do with apps are absolutely incredible.

With that said, the number of photo apps out there is overwhelming, and it's really hard to know which apps are worth getting. That’s why we created revealing the 7 best iPhone photography apps that you should start using straight away. The images aren’t generally compatible with all normal software. I got here because I’m helping somebody figure out why popular web browsers display half her pictures sideways. The images are broken.

They conform to “standards” which are not universally supported. They are broken, period, full stop, no debate, no ambiguity, broken. They don’t work on the platforms where they are expected to work. So you fire the moron who screwed it up and fix the problem.

Don’t make excuses for incompetents. Anybody stupid enough to make a decision like this is too stupid to learn. The image format is the primary standard. EXIF tags are an extension that was added years after most of these image formats (JPEG, for example) were standardize. You support the PRIMARY standard first – THEN you support the extension.

I’m pretty sure in 1992 when JPEG was announced, that it didn’t include “PICTURE UPSIDE DOWN” as a feature. Apple decided to ignore that bit once they had an extension which could specify to flip it over. And, really, it’s NOT difficult to simply put the image the right way up – like the rest of the world does. Then it would be compatible with “legacy” software. Absolutely Apple’s problem.

I frequently take photos of documents before mailing them. Typically I will have 10-20 papers on my desk in a stack, I snap a photo of the top document then put it to the side and take a pic of the next document, over and over again until done. The camera remains in ONE orientation the entire time, using the camera button on the screen each time.

HOWEVER, when I import those photos to my desktop pc, they all come out in DIFFERENT orientations even though the camera was held exactly the same for each. I cannot understand why this happens. ONLY with the iPhone, no other phone or point and shoot does this. Apple and it’s ways are akin to an autistic child.

Windows Media Player Upside Down Video

Iphone video upside down

There are areas of excellence, but mostly just ODD behavior. I just got my ipod a few months ago and was able to upload to FB and such with no issues until recently. Then I noticed this started happening about a week or so ago to me and blamed it on FB (because hey, they have screwed up so much, why not?). Now I’ve got all these Halloween photos and vids to upload and I have to BUY software to fix them? Crap, I would have just taken out my old camera if I knew this was even a “thing”. Which it appears that it has been for over 4 years now. I’m just curious why mine worked in the beginning and now doesn’t???

Seems kind of important.