Insider Tales The Stolen Venus 1 Walkthrough

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  1. Insider Tales The Stolen Venus 2 Walkthrough
  2. Insider Tales The Stolen Venus Walkthrough 1

The Insider Tales: The Stolen Venus 2 Walkthrough is a detailed strategy guide to help you if you are stuck.

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. There is no timer in the game, you can take your time and complete the puzzles at your own pace. There are several mini games in this game but you cannot skip them.

If you get stuck you will not be able to move on. Fortunately, this guide will keep things moving for you since it has solutions to all the puzzles in which you cannot use a hint. You can use a hint when you get stuck and can’t find an item. When you click on a hint, the game will show you the location of one random item. The game has unlimited hints but you have to wait for it to recharge itself in order for you to use it. You will know the hints are ready to be used when you see that the hint circle is completely full.

The hint circle will also flash slightly when it is ready for use. If you don’t want to use a hint, or it is not available at the time, you can click on the name on the list and you will be able to see a silhouette of what the item looks like. The silhouette will appear in the lower left corner, next to the hint button.

Seeing the silhouette can make it a lot easier to find the items. If you click randomly on the scene too many times your cursor will turn black and will stop working for a bit. Just wait for a few seconds and the cursor will come back to its natural state. Some of the items in the game are mis-labeled. These are a few examples of mis-labeled items in the game. The first part is the actual word used in the game, the word next to it is what you really need to look for. Lamp=Light Bulb.

Football=Soccer Ball. Goblet=Trophy.


Tube= Glue Bottle SPOILER ALERT!!!!. There are many mini games in Inside Tales-The Stolen Venus. Most are self-explanatory but some are not.

Each mini game is explained in the next section of the guide. Most mini games will have screenshots, text and videos to help you understand what you have to do. Some of the mini games may only have a screenshot with no text available. Please scroll down to the section that you need help with. Please stop reading now if you don’t want to view the solutions to the puzzles in this game. FIND 22 PRINTS PHOTO READY. This is a memory mini game.

The pictures will flip over for a few seconds. You have to remember which pictures were flipped over and then click on them.

If you’re incorrect you will have to start all over again. Each time you guess a correct sequence, a new one will become available. Guess all the sequences correctly and you will pass this level. The solutions to this puzzle may be random, so you may or may not get the same results as in the video.

FRAGMENTED PIECES. In this scene you have to find the items that are at the bottom of the page in the main scene. The twist is that items will be fragmented into 2 or 3 pieces in the scene.

Insider Tales The Stolen Venus 1 Walkthrough

Each time you find a piece, that fragmented piece will show up in the picture at the bottom. This will help you find the rest of the fragmented piece since you can get a visual cue of what the rest of the fragmented item looks like. FRAGMENTED PIECES. In this scene you must find the following fragmented pieces:. Captain’s Hat. Pig. Drum.

Boomerang PUZZLE. Drag the puzzle pieces into the middle of the scene.

The pieces will automatically lock into place once they are in the right position. CHOCOLATE PUZZLE.

Place the chocolate pieces in the box without any pieces overlapping with each other. Click and drag the chocolate pieces to the box that is in the center of the scene. The pieces will NOT lock into the box until ALL pieces are in the right place. Just play around with the pieces until you can make it all fit. Please look at the screenshot for the correct placement of the chocolate pieces.

PUT OBJECTS IN THE RIGHT PLACE. There are 16 objects that need to be put back in their place. Grab the items that are at the bottom of the scene and place them on the side of the page they belong to. Since there are 16 objects to place it is easier to show you the screenshot with the location of the items that are already in the scene. Just put the replacement pieces on the opposite part of the page. RECONSTRUCT THE PICTURE-DOG PUZZLE.

Reconstruct the picture by swapping its pieces around. You can only swap pieces that are next to each other. The pieces will not lock in place until the whole picture has been completed. Please look at the screenshot for the solution to this puzzle. FIND THE DIFFERENCES REPEAT THE SEQUENCE 10A (PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO SOLUTION).

In this game you have to repeat the sequence of lights that you see on the screen. Wait until the lights have stopped flashing and then click on the lights in the same order that you saw. If the sequence is correct, you will receive the next sequence. Complete all the sequences to move on to the next scene. ELECTRICAL CHAIN. You have to connect the electrical chains together in order for the light bulbs to light up.

All the pipes will not be used, just some of them, keep that in mind when making the connections. As soon as a light bulb is connected correctly, it will light up. Start in the top left side since the battery is what supplies all the electricity to the bulbs. There are many ways to complete this puzzle but you can look at the screenshot for an example of one way of doing it. FIND 19 KEYS.

In this scene you will need to find 19 keys that are scattered around the scene. The scene will be dark, your mouse will act as a spotlight, move it around the scene so you can see the keys. Since the scene is too dark for a screenshot, I provided a short that video will show you the location of all the keys. To view the video simply click on the link that is below the screenshot. SLIDER PUZZLE. This is a slider puzzle in which you need to move the bottle of wine to the exit that is on the right side of the page. Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the bottle.

Please click on the link under the srceenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution. SLIDER PUZZLE 2. This is a slider puzzle in which you need to move the bottle of wine to the exit that is on the right side of the page. Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the bottle. Please click on the link under the screenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution. SLIDER PUZZLE 3.

This is a slider puzzle in which you need to move the bottle of wine to the exit that is on the right side of the page. Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the bottle. Please click on the link under the screenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution. FIND THE MISSING PARTS. This screenshot will show you the missing parts for the cactus, the butterfly, the fish, the umbrella, the chess piece and the flag.

FIND THE DIFFERENCES PLACE THE BOARDS IN THE BOX. This puzzle has the same concept as the chocolate puzzle that you encountered at the beginning of the game. Place the wooden boards in the box without any of the pieces overlapping with each other. Click and drag the board pieces to the box that is in the center of the scene.

The pieces will NOT lock into the box until ALL pieces are in the right place. Just play around with the pieces until you can make it all fit. Please look at the screenshot for the correct placement of the board pieces. FIND 20 MISSING PARTS-FLOWERS.

This screenshot will show you all the fragmented pieces of all the flowers that appear at the bottom of the scene. CATCH BUTTERFLIES. You have to take pictures of butterflies by clicking on them repeatedly. Once you catch one, a picture of it will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Once you catch them all you will be able to move on to the next scene. FIND THE DIFFERENCES REMOVE IDENTICAL PAIRS DIAGRAM 1 DIAGRAM 2 DIAGRAM 3. This solution may be random; everyone may not have the same results. This is a simple game — all you have to do is click on the 2 masks that are identical in the bunch.

Once you find one perfect match the game will show you a new board with new masks to choose from. Find 3 sets of masks to end the level and move on to the next. FIND THE PARTS OF THESE OBJECTS. The screenshot will show you all the fragmented pieces for the sandal, the snake, the flower and the coffee pot. REPEAT THE SEQUENCE. This is the same type of sequence mini game as the ones discussed previously. The solution shown in the video may be random.

MATCH THE PICTURE. Place the puzzle pieces in the top part of the scene, where you see the boxed outline.

Once you put a piece in the right location it will lock into place and you will see the complete picture will begin to take shape. TOOL SLIDER 1. In this particular slider puzzle you need to move the picture of the hammer to the exit that is on the right side of the page. Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the hammer. Please click on the link under the screenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution. TOOL SLIDER 2. In this particular slider puzzle you need to move the picture of the hammer to the exit that is on the right side of the page.

Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the hammer. Please click on the link under the screenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution.

TOOL SLIDER 3. In this particular slider puzzle you need to move the picture of the wrench to the exit that is on the right side of the page. Simply slide the boxes around until you can create a clear path for the hammer.

Insider Tales The Stolen Venus 2 Walkthrough

Please click on the link under the screenshot to watch a short step-by-step video solution. FIND THE DIFFERENCES CONNECT THE WATER PIPES. This is similar to the pipe puzzle you played earlier in the game. The only difference is that this time your goal is to connect the pipes in order for the flowers to grow. Once you connect a pipe correctly to one of the flowers, that flower will bloom.

There are many ways to complete this puzzle but the screenshot and video show you one way to do it. FIND 18 SUNS PUSH BUTTONS. In this puzzle you must click on the right squares in order to move on to the next set. The right squares are the ones that have 5 of the same design on the squares. The video shows you one solution but the solution to this puzzle is random so the video solution may vary a bit from what you get but at least you will be able to see what you need to do to solve the puzzle.

FIND THE PARTS. In this scene, the screenshot will highlight the fragmented pieces for the clock, the yin-yang, the pitcher, the statue and the scroll.

Insider Tales The Stolen Venus Walkthrough 1

Once you’ve correctly identified the last piece the game will end.