Sims Social Room Design

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The Sims 4 Building Tutorials: Decorating a Home or Other Build by Norma Blackburn It's easy to lay some carpet and slap a coat of paint onto our new building, but decorating goes a little bit further than that. Wall and Floor Coverings Wall and floor coverings are pretty basic, but there may be one or two things you didn't know, so let's do a refresher course on them both. Floor Coverings Select Floor Patterns from the build menu and use the sub menu to select what type of flooring you want. Hover over different patterns to see a color palate for that pattern. Note though, that some patterns only have one color choice. Above the pattern type menu, you can also select to place the pattern by tile or by floor. Select by floor to cover the whole room in one click.

This will also cover any tiles you may have placed individually, so if you want to create a pattern with different floor tiles, you will need to select by tile. Click to Enlarge.


Sim Social Zone. In order to help you change that festive design into a fresh house layout, we have found a great The Sims Social Room Planner that will. Sep 15, 2014 Follow me on my social media sites for more news: Twitter. The Sims 4: Room Design - 2 Modern. Top Quality Downloads for all The Sims games.

Apply floorpattens by tile or the whole room When you select by tile, you can still cover the whole room with one click simply by also pressing the shift key as you place the tile. It will not, however, cover any pieces that you have already placed individually. This is useful if you want to add a pattern with some tiles and then use a different one for the rest of the room. If you want a room to have different floor coverings in different areas, build temporary walls to divide the larger room into smaller ones. Lay the desired floor in each section and then remove the walls again.

Patterns on floor tiles can be rotated by selecting the desired covering and pressing,. Before placing on the floor. If you only want a partial piece of floor covering, press ctrl + f to change to triangle shaped floor tiles press ctrl + f again to toggle back to full square tiles. Click to Enlarge. Use partial floor tiles to create a pattern Wall coverings Wall coverings are selected in the same manner as floor coverings, with a choice above the sub menu for placement by wall piece or by room. When covering the outside of a building, applying by room or shift clicking by wall will not paint the whole building. It will only paint the outside of the room you click on.

To do the whole house, you will need to go around and click on each room section. Exterior Wall Trims and Friezes Exterior trims and friezes are decorative additions to a building that break the monotony of a plain wall. Trims Trims are the smaller of the two and can be added to a wall of any height however they are actually added to a room above where you want the trim to be. If your house is a single storey building, this means building an empty room on the second level to match the shape of the lower floor. This can be done even if you already have a roof built. Once there is an empty room on the higher level, you can add the wall trim to that empty room and it will appear at the top of the lower level wall.

Click to Enlarge. Trims are placed on the wall above where we want them to be Trims are added to all outside walls of the selected room. If you want to place the trim on one wall only, press the shift key as you place the trim. Friezes Friezes are a larger wall trim and require a taller wall height.

Some need the highest wall possible, while others can be placed on the medium walls. Unlike the trims, friezes are placed on the wall in question, so there is no need to build an empty room above where you want to place a frieze. As with trims, hold the shift key while placing friezes to add to just one wall. Click to Enlarge. Friezes need taller walls to be placed Trims and friezes can only be added to exterior walls and if an exterior wall with a trim or frieze is later enclosed with a wall, the trim will be removed from that section.

Trims and friezes don't really need a wall and can be added to empty rooms as long as that empty room is an exterior room. Click to Enlarge.

Sims Social Room Design

Friezes and trims don't even need a wall to be placed Spandrels Spandrels are trims mostly used outside on porches. Use the empty room or deck tool to define the area and then place the spandrel at the top of the room. Spandrels can be placed above fences, but if they are used where there is a full wall, the wall will be removed.

Click to Enlarge. Spandrels are often used to decorate a porch When placing spandrels, they will automatically be placed along all of the wall that you highlight. If you hold the shift key while placing them, they will be placed on every empty wall of the room. Click to Enlarge.

Hold the shift key when placing spandrels to place them on every empty wall Learn More. Gameplay, testing, and building cheats. All job levels, promotions and rewards. All skills, ideal moods, and their benefits.

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Learn tricks to make your houses look great. running a business. Getting your Sims in the right mood.

Contents. Game Play Sims-like games may allow the player to make changes to the simulation while it is running creating a dynamic simulation, while others may simply allow the player to set up the initial environment and watch the results unfold.

Examples Sims games that students and teachers have built:. Tutorial To build a Sims-like game, you can follow the.

Design Any simulation design should focus on the following steps:. Choosing the Sims Model Subject.

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Each student should choose a subject to model in their Sims game. The instructor may create a short list of subjects to model based on course standards or previous discussion topics. For example if the course is about Asian cultures, the short list may include Chinese Businessperson, Japanese Rice Farmer, Korean Fisherman. Preliminary Research of Subjects. Students begin doing research around their chosen subjects.

Initial research is done on a search engine. Students should create a preliminary hierarchy of 3-5 needs based on preliminary web research. Sources should be sited and a conclusion statement should be written and turned in with the preliminary hierarchy.

Research Validation and Online Collaboration. Students will collaborate with local and global partners and content experts via forums, online chat, or web conferencing to validate their hierarchy. If possible, students should communicate with people that closely represent their chosen subject.

Build Sims Game. Students will create a Sims style game using Agentsheets.

Compare Subjects/Game. Students will review at least two other students' simulations and post comments comparing and contrasting their own subject to those of their fellow students. Students then write an essay about what they have gained from this project. Instructors may choose to create prompts for these essays or may choose to use a reflective class discussion forum instead.

Student Artifacts. Step 1 - Choosing a Sim Model Subject:. Short description of chosen subject and why the student chose this subject. Step 2 - Preliminary Research of Subjects. Preliminary hierarchy of needs/motivators.

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Sited research sources. Conclusion statement (A few reflective paragraphs explaining how the hierarchy was created, how the research supported the student's choices, and what predictions the student may have about their simulation.).

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Step 3 - Research Validation and Online Collaboration. Excerpts from the forum/chat, or summary of web conferencing with online partners. Final hierarchy of needs/motivators. Step 4 - Use Agentsheets to build Sims Game.

Sim game submitted to the Scalable Game Design Arcade. Step 5 - Compare Subjects/Game. Compare/Contrast Comments. Final Essay or Discussion Forum Skills This an intermediate to advanced level design. Students should already have some knowledge of tracking variables and boolean logic. Depending on the complexity of the agents created, a single agent's behavior may have many rules tracking multiple internal and global variables. Computational Thinking Patterns.: Agents that represent a need such as food will radiate a 'foodness' to allow sims to find it.: When a sim collides with an agent representing a need the collision will cause some effect such as reseting a variable (example hunger = 0).: Sims will climb toward what ever need is most pertinent at the time.: Each sim agent will have multiple needs defined in it's behavior to tell the sim what to do.: Agents may need to follow other agents that are not always in the same place for example a lion agent's need for food may require it to 'hunt' or seek a zebra agent.

Standards:. Creativity and Innovation. Independently research a complex real-world topic using online resources (e.g., websites, databases, e-mail, and online forums).

Summarize the state of knowledge about a challenge related to that topic. Analyze existing knowledge and develop and capture new ideas (e.g., using search tools to analyze text, spreadsheets to tabulate and chart numerical data, or graphic organizers to create concept maps). Outline existing knowledge and pose questions to facilitate extending knowledge by creating digital artifacts that:. demonstrates conceptual understanding. expresses the student's opinion. creates predictions of possible outcomes based on digital information. Extend knowledge by developing new products or processes.

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Use simulations, databases, graphic organizers, and mathematical models to depict and predict the behavior of complex systems. Communication and Collaboration. Collaborate with peers and field-specific experts to research a critical issue applying effective research strategies, appropriate digital tools for the task(s), field-testing component(s); and publication of results to interested individuals and through appropriate networks. Collaborate with local and global partners and content experts to develop multimedia presentations incorporating a variety of media elements (i.e., clip art, movie, animation, graphs, concept maps, etc.) to clearly illustrate, explain, explore, and demonstrate an assigned concept, principle, or procedure appropriate for specific audiences. Engage in collaborative research with students and experts from other countries to develop cultural understanding by exploring sophisticated global issues. Create a product that increases global understanding for others.

Collaborate to research, select, and apply advanced technology resources (e.g., expert systems, intelligent agents, real-world models and simulations) to investigate a real-world problem or issue. Share findings through real-time and/or recorded demonstrations to classmates and a broader audience online. Research and Information Fluency. Define a research thesis or issue for investigation. Describe diverse strategies for gathering information, analyzing data, reaching a conclusion or making recommendation(s). Reflect on results from above step. Justify your selection of strategies for guiding inquiry.

Apply efficient and effective search strategies for locating digital resources for use in a collaborative real-world research project. Organize and synthesize data to support conclusions. Document sources using techniques appropriate for digital publication. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.

Apply technology-based problem-solving strategies (e.g., simulations, visual representations, modularity). Select appropriate tools to solve a problem and report/disseminate results. Apply targeted research, sampling techniques, simulations, and critical-thinking skills to determine how varying circumstances, resources, beliefs, and other factors related to specific locations or communities may affect decisions and/or solutions/practices. Digital Citizenship. Lead, organize, and facilitate use of collaboration and communications tools among group members to achieve team goals. Select and apply technology resources to support personal growth, lifelong learning, and career needs.

Explore the social, ethical, and legal issues related to the use of technology resources locally and globally. Technology Operations and Concepts. Routinely apply a variety of technology systems related to specific subject-matter learning (e.g., electronic microscopes, probes, and multifunction calculators, robotics, MIDI, e-books; geographical information systems, electronic databases). Actively interface with technology at both the hardware and software levels (e.g., programming, robotics). Use fundamental algorithmic thinking strategies (e.g., conditional branching, modularization, recursion).

Adapt and use advanced skills to make efficient and effective use of current technology resources. Support and assist others in learning new technologies and advanced features of current technologies. Grading Requirements.